Burnie Show, Friday 6th October.
Can’t believe it! Sun shining and not a cloud in the sky with a cool breeze. With the compound set up by 8.30 and all motors running it was time for a drink. There were a good turnup with 21 exhibitors.
John Booth with his static display – Homelite chain saws and Bern Smith motor saw.
Brian Scott Ruma King Cat lawn mower, Lister Diesel & Briggs Stratton engines.
Brian Ling, 135 Massey Fergusson tractor
Derrel & Karyn Haines, 28 Diesel tractor
Vern Reeves, Alex, Nicholas & Duncan Mantje, Victor Lawn mower, 2 Cooper drive milking machines, International engine.
Lloyd Tunbridge, 2 H.P. Sundial motor, 2 H.P. International Motor
Ian Bessell, Villias 2 stroke motors, display of old wrenches.
Graeme Howard, Lister diesel motor
Fred Harris, McDonald motor, Lister D
Viv Voss, International Fairbanks Morse motor
Rex Woodberry, assorted old tools & Tillers
Phil & Marj Weeks, Packard Veteran Car
Kate Best, Ray Harris, International McDonald
Paddy Harris, Moffat Virtue Motor
Saturday 7th the weather changed and was overcast and cold but the day warmed up, 3 members turned up today.
Nigel Boyd with his boat & train engines, Barry Lawson with his motor mowers and Heather Harris, making 25 members in all in attendance.